Kamis, 10 November 2016

AY Silver Award Plan

Posted By: Herwan Oroh, S.Th - 19.26

AY Silver Award Plan for Physical and Cultural Excellence


The AY Silver Award plan for physical and cultural excellence challenges Adventist youth to clean living and wholesome adventure. Recognizing their bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit, God's youth will strive for a physical excellence which can meet the strenuous demands of these climactic times. The need also for clean thinkers and youth with keen spiritual perceptions has never been greater.
As I examine the requirements for the AY Silver Award, I am convinced it will take time and perseverance to reach the high standard of excellence called for. Those youth who succeed in qualifying for the AY Silver Award will experience real satisfaction of achievement and will know their success is preparing them for leadership in both church and community.
I heartily endorse the AY Silver Award plan of the Youth Ministries Department and urge our youth everywhere to strive for this high attainment.
—Jan Paulsen


The Apostle John addressed the youth of his generation with the words "I have written unto you young men because ye are strong." God's remnant church in the 21st Century needs the vigor and strength of its youth. This strength will be no stronger than the vitality and will of each individual member.
The plan of the AY Silver Award challenges youth of secondary school age to give themselves as a living sacrifice wholly acceptable unto God. As the physical nature grows more healthy through exercise, temperance and purposeful living, the mind will expand and the spiritual nature will be vitalized. This threefold development is the goal of the AY Silver Award plan for each Adventist Young Person.
These are exciting days when the strength and resources of youthful energy are needed to work in inner city evangelism, in overseas student missionary service and in other action programs of a church with a world vision. Like Daniel of old, God's youth of today will purpose in their hearts not to defile themselves in any - way. With the blessing of God they may stand forth in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation as stalwarts in the faith, excelling in strength, in wisdom and in moral principles. All of this is envisioned in the AY Silver Award.
—Baraka G. Muganda


Life should be an exhilarating journey from the years of effervescent youth to the golden days of full maturity. Along the way each traveler may hum a happy tune as he treats himself to health and abundant living. To do this and to make continuing progress, it is necessary to have a plan and follow it.
Living successfully requires the programming of habits, the giving of priority to things that are important, and the discarding of that which will not contribute to success. It has been said that work is a kind of psychological glue that holds a man together. It takes "glue" to hold a person together in the midst of the physical, emotional and spiritual stresses encountered in modern living.
Successful living requires that individual health be sacredly guarded. Assurance of optimum health is obtained through attention to a program of physical fitness and emotional stability. Physical exercise, adequate nutrition, clean living, and an abounding trust in God are the hallmarks of intelligent direction, the goals of AY Silver Award winners.
—Allan Handysides, M.D.

About Herwan Oroh, S.Th

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